Sunday, April 26, 2009

United States of Ling

VP's I'd like to introduce you to one of the most versatile women I know. Please meet Callie, Doc Vic's partner. Cal rose up the ladder from gas line the ditches...running and fixing gas one of the top executives of the company. Then she retires from that and starts her own construction company. Can this woman build! I'll have to tell you the story about the fall that Cal and Vic came up to Strawberry to help Brenda and I build a "small" wood shed. We miscalculated and actually built a HUGE wood shed!!! It was hysterical and I love how big it is!!! Now Cal helps her friends run several very popular restaurants in Pittsburgh. What a talented lady! There just isn't much this gal can't do.

Cal also has a wild side as I think you can see in that eye twinkle behind those Foster-Grants. The little dust mop on her head is Andi...named after Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes fame due to her wild eyebrows.

Here's what Cal had to say about her creation:
Okay, now I know you all are out there and sometimes we are not who we think we are.......may I present from the U.S. of Tara, an original headdress design inspired by "Ling" (some of you know her, Brenda stop it...)   If you peepee your bed you won't know if it's Gimmee or some weird poncho goblin. 

You've just got to watch the United States of Tara on Showtime and you'll totally understand this theme. 

Cal...OH! I mean look fashionable and glamorous. Andi is just the perfect fashion statement for this look!! 

Enjoy! Oh La La!
Nurse Dee


  1. No you didn't do the poncho goblin???!!! OMG Becky and I are roaring. Becky calls you "Gimme Roonie!!!" Those glasses are glamourous dawling....they are bigger than my head...but not my neck!!! That is so damn funny. I already had one accident and don't need another one Gimme!!! Becky said she has 3 more days, no more accidents please....she already wants to buy me some depends. Laughing is good medicine. This is way too funny!

    chemo sabe

  2. GIMME!!!! that is hilarious!!! you almost look like Jackie O, but the dog sort of throws me off. Nicely done Clawlie (Ryder's pronunciation). Only you could make the poncho goblin look sexy.

  3. I have absolutely no idea what you are all talking about, but what I do see is the unmistakable smile of Callie. And yes I do see the dog sitting on her head. Both are cute as buttons!!
