Monday, November 15, 2010

The Patient is Sprung!

Hi everyone...I know you're all wondering who won the smoke alarm fight...I DID!!! Did you think otherwise? I finally got the maintenance man up here, after 2 visits to the office, and had him put in new batteries and then disconnect both of them from the hardwired electrical source...yea! Silence from the infernal churp is wonderful!! The alarm still works because of the battery but there must have been some kind of electrical short. Dee -1 / Smoke Alarm - 0!!!

I know you're all anxious to hear how Brenda is doing so let me get to that. I sprang her from the hospital around noon yesterday with instructions that she should take it easy for the rest of the week. That's not a problem because there's not much to do here!! She was a little wobbly after spending 4 days in bed, but she's allowed to get up and move a little so I'm sure she'll be up to flying home on Saturday if the doc says she's good to go. We see him on Friday. She's not supposed to lift anything over the weight of a gallon of milk so that's why I've been working out these days!! I've now become the sherpa!! Thank heaven she can pull the rolling luggage bag.

We spent the rest of the day watching football...what else are you supposed to do in a foreign town, stuck in an apartment, when it's cool and cloudy outside. And on that note...what on earth happen to the Steelers yesterday? Tom Brady and the Patriots really smacked them last night...OUCH!

Neither of us have been sleeping very well so we resorted to a couple different meds and slept like! Did we sure need that. We now are beginning to feel human again. Sleep is soooo underrated. It's still a cool, cloudy, and a drizzly day in Houston so I think we'll just pop some movies in the DVD and settle in. I thought I'd add a pic of our gal so you could see how well she looks. She really is recovering nicely...and no more DRIP!! YEA! Keep your fingers crossed that it will hold. Marshall Vic...Have that "Great Stuff" handy in case we need it! Ha!

Love to you all...
Dee and Brenda...the dripless!


  1. Nice job on both fronts. No beeping alarm, no dripping Brenda and some rest for you guys.
    Rest up and please do not test that patch. I am still having visions of a "bubble".

  2. Oh dear god in heaven did you make me laugh MissShelly! I had a vision as well and it made me laugh out loud. You are so funny my friend. The doctor said that the bubble gum patch that he used may cause outbursts or double bubbles but otherwise should work. I don't know why he didn't use Hubba Bubba instead of Double Bubble. Just think of what I can do in the circus! I had no idea what trade I would have as a result of cancer treatment. I can already blow bubbles out of my right eye when I do my nasal rinse. Now I can blow double bubble gum out of my nose. :-

    Love you my friend. Brenda, the no longer leaky lesbian!

  3. Brenda, you look great! No more drip and another step closer to being as good as new!
    Glad the alarm issue was resolved and a good night's sleep was had by all. Thank heaven for sleep meds, I ditto that. The Steelers were hurting puppies with 6 of their starters on the injury list...we soooo sucked.

  4. You look Marvelous!!!! Can't wait to see you next week... hurry home and congrats to Dee in winning the smoke detector war! We never had a doubt on both fronts...

    Lots of Love Blessings & Hugs

  5. Okay, I cannot shake the "bubble" image, it is set in stone. Now my mission is to get you back up to speed just so I can make you laugh and test the repair.
    You know the first test will be pretty simple, basic joke, followed by a little ribbing, and then when you least expect it the Whammy. What is the Whammy you might be wondering? Well I shall explain.
    The Whammy, in my opinion, is the very strategic point in time when someone takes a drink at exactly the precise moment the punchline is delivered. You now the outcome, milk, beer (or O'Doul's), water, whatever you are drinking comes out the nasal passage. Always classic. Now I am wondering will it still be the classic result or more of a water balloon reaction?? Just thinking, but I must say, if it is the latter, I'm done.
    Thanks for getting well so I can have some fun with you. Get better quick so we can test the bubble hypothesis.
