Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Brenda's Latent Talent Discovered

VP's...I don't know how they do this, but Bonnie and Jackie have discovered another latent talent of Brenda's. I've been living with her practicing at all hours of the day and night and I'm so delighted that the secret has finally been uncovered. Now when we're all on vacation together you can encourage our girl to go up on the Olivia stage and "blow a few bars!" Somehow that just doesn't sound quite right. Early in Brenda's discovery of her love for the harmonica, she did have an American Idol try-out, but alas, she blew it!!! (Puns are so much fun!) I still don't know how these gals found out Brenda's secret...perhaps they heard her practicing in our room on the Paul Gauguin. Here's what Bonnie and Jackie had to say:

With the American Idol finals playing in the background (what a surprise, Chris just won; Adam was the favorite), we would like to offer a viable contestant for the next season. Although her musical style is a spin off from the singing tradition, Brenda's harmonica skills are exceptional. See what you think! There must be a way to add music to the photo (believe me I've tried), but the link below the photo will have to work so that you can hear Brenda's performance of "Home on the Range". Now, she's been practicing quite some time, so please give her the respect that she's due!

Love, Bonnie and Jackie


  1. This is hysterical. Now instead of eating a tart Chemo savbe has become the tart.

    Bonnie the audio is very complimentary to the whole picture and theme. I ahve got to get some Photoshop tips from you. You are quite proficient.

  2. Thanks, Michele. I love the tart analogy! You know, sometimes you have to sing for your supper or, in this case, play the harmonica for your tart. Brenda has been working on a fiddle number, also...perhaps she'll have it ready for next week. Your NYC photos and accompanying stories are adorable. Karen's look is so precious in that parka and the Aussies dialogue made us laugh! xoxo
