Monday, May 18, 2009

Yankees VS Red Sox

Mornin VP's...Brenda and I hope this post finds you all well. We had a good weekend. Brenda had a little more energy and so we got to walk around the big shopping center here in Houston...The Galleria. Man! That place is huge! We love to shop and it was great to get out of the apartment. 

Brenda is doing well and like before, her energy gets a little better each and every day. Besides the horrible taste of most foods she loved before all these CURE chemicals and the fatigue, there are minimal side effects. She's feeling some of the effects of that Neulasta shot...low back and hip pain and a burning feeling on the tops of her feet...but all these are tolerated.

Our good friends Michele, Karen, Kim and Windy (Aussie-speak for Wendy!!!) were in NYC several weeks ago and they sent us this story and picture. I wonder what else they have up their sleeves? HUMMMMMMMMM! Keep em coming Michele...we LOVE hearing your stories and your posts.

Here's what she had to say:

A few weeks back, Karen, Kim, Windy and I went to NYC for the day.  We toured a few neighborhoods and purchased what we thought would be a good gift for Brenda's oncologist - a Yankee Baseball cap.  So I know you are thinking - Wow what could possibly beat that?  I know, I am trying to figure that out as well, but it is pink, and pink is associated with the cure for cancer .  Put them both together and we thought we found the perfect gift.  
Then horror of all horrors - her doc is a BOSTON RED SOX FAN - oh my god.
Well, my friends, I am a die-hard Yankee fan.  For those of you from the east coast, you know there is no love lost between the Yankees and the Red Sox.  We just don't mix well.  Kind of like gun powder and a match.  
Now I know this blog is not about the Yankees.  It is about Brenda and Dee and keeping the laughter flowing while Brenda gets well.  I just hope that what Brenda's oncologist lacks in selecting sports teams he overcompensates for in his medical expertise as he cure's our gal.  
As the week goes by and my travel schedule permits, I'll send some photos of "the hat" and the gals in NYC.
Boston Red Sox - that's ridiculous!!!

That's what we like to see...some good ole American's a free country...well ALMOST!! (Inside joke!) To each his!

Hey...we know there are lots of "LURKERS" out there...let's hear from you!!!   


  1. Soooo glad that Brenda has some energy back and is doing better!

    Having been born, raised & lived most of my life in NYC I'm with Michelle... lets have Brenda wear the pink Yankees cap! Maybe her infectious laugh will mesmerize the Dr. and he will see the error of his ways & convert! HA!

    I am totally at a loss with this Texas thing... the only time I have ever ventured into TX is changing planes in Dallas... which we did last week and if we had known about the Texas contest I would have searched the airport for an appropriate entry! But alas I am now clueless...

    Oh yes and there was the time when I was helping my handicapped brother drive cross country to relocate in AZ and the transmission on his car died in "Nowhere", TX and the tow truck had to come from 75 miles away in NM... and then Tucumcari, NM did not have a car rental, shipping or other modes of escape until a very dear friend offered to drive from Payson, AZ to pick us up! Sooo TX is not on my near & dear list... except of course for the "cure" doctor/hospital despite his very bad taste in baseball teams!

    Lots of Love & Blessings always

  2. Cathie - a NYC fan - I like you already.

    Dee and Chemo sabe

    Great to hear you are both getting out a bit. It is nice to get up a walk around and see new things - especially if they are located in a nice shopping mall :)
