Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Vikings Have Landed

Hi VP's...well you can sure tell that the contest deadline is nearing. I've gotten several submissions today that MUST be posted before I have a laughing seizure and the neighbors call the police on me for disrupting our quiet neighborhood. Man! you guys are just cracking us up. I've SKYPED Brenda this afternoon and she is just laughing and having a great time with all this. It's the best medicine, served on a regular basis thanks to all of you, that my chemo girl could ask for. You all are just the best!! enough mush and now for our new submissions. Let me introduce Helene, a true Norwegien and interestingly enough...a midwife. We all met in Tahiti. Helene and her partner, Jackie, are part of what are called "The Original Tahiti Pod." Brenda and I are still on probation but hope to be accepted into the pod some day. 

I think Helene's submission speaks to her heritage. So what is up with all the braids? HUMMMM! Very Interesting!! 

Here's what she has to say:

For all of you pig-tailed wannabe Vikings out there, here's the real deal.

Now I'm going to go plunder and pillage the fridge.

Plunder away Helene...

Nurse Dee 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, finally an entry from our one true viking. For those of you that have not met Helene, she is from an island off the coast of Norway, above the artic circle. She IS a true viking!
    Dispite, or perhaps inspite of the cold weather upbring, she has one of the warmest hearts you will ever come across. And she looks good in horns and braids. Let the falgs of Nroway fly.
